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Free Gardening Books

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Image of: The Quiet Woman The Quiet Woman

In these times, we need to relearn some basics of fending for ourselves and not rely solely on the current corporate supplied food chain. Disruptions will probably happen. If they don’t, price increases are probably likely to make it hard for us to obtain nutritious food. There are several old books on Project Gutenberg that are available for free to help you get a start in your garden.

It’s currently mid-February, you have time to make a plan!
It is time to start planning your vegetable garden now!

Please refer to the National Center for Food Preservation for the recommended safe practices of preserving food.

Do not use canning or preserving methods that you find on the internet or social media unless you know for sure that the preservation method is an approved method by the National Center for Food Preservation or the most recent BALL BLUE BOOK preserving and canning.

A word of caution: Please use these books for basic knowledge about vegetables and fruits and to get general ideas of what you might want to do in your own garden, but use modern methods for growing food, caring and feeding your family. Growing food naturally hasn’t changed much over the last few thousand years. Be careful what you put in your soil, on your plants and in your body. You must educate yourself on what is appropriate for your family and needs. If you are in doubt, RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! Ask questions, find a knowledgeable friend, read more books, but please don’t just wing it. Times are hard enough as it is.

Free Vegetable & Fruit Gardening Books

These books are in no particular order.

War Gardens: A Pocket Guide for Home Vegetable Grower by Montague Free

The Vegetable Garden: What, When, & How to Plant

Home Vegetable Gardening by F. F. Rockwell

Organic Gardener’s Composting by Steve Solomon

The Field and Garden Vegetables of America by Fearing Burr

The Busy Woman’s Garden Book by Ida D. Bennett

The Home Acre by Edward Payson Roe

Making Home Profitable by Kate V. Saint Maur

A-B-C of Vegetable Gardening by Eben E. Rexford

Farm Gardening with Hints on Cheap Manuring

Manual of Gardening by L. H. Bailey

The English Husbandman by Gervase Markham
Husbandry is the care, cultivation and breeding of crops and animals.

The Book of Herbs by Lady Rosalind Northcote

Pleasant Talk About Fruits, Flowers and Farming by Henry Ward Beecher

The Children’s Book of Gardening by Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick and Mrs. Paynter

The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots by Sutton & Sons, LTD

The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming by Ellen Eddy Shaw

The Canadian Horticulturist, Volume I

Meditation Gardening:

Old-Time Gardens, Newly Set Forth by Alice Morse Earle

The Wild Garden by W. Robinson

A Woman’s Hardy Garden by Helena Rutherfurd Ely

Garden-Craft Old and New by John Dando Sedding

Small Gardens, and How to Make The Most of Them by Violet Purton Biddle

Animals In the Garden:

Animal Life in Field and Garden by Jean-Henri Fabre

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Free Books, Gardening

Last Update: February 16, 2025


The Quiet Woman 4 Articles

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